Yeah, back again. Why? Maybe because the topic was bugging me so much that I could not just forget about it without letting it out.
No, I'm not heartbroken, and no one I loved has left me recently.
Well, It's all about my frustration each and every time I travel back to Iran. This time it was the airport.
Tell you what? I was dreaming about landing in Tehran's new airport. A better word to replace dreaming of course would be praying. Dreaming, praying, wishing, hoping- whatever the word- that this time they may have done something great, like they'd really cared. Well, most of the countries care, to have something exceptional, something specific to them, that they can brag about it and say it is the best in the world or at least in the region.
But Imam Khomeini Airport was nothing extraordinary. I was surprised to see how small it is, and if you say being small is not important then I'd say the architecture sucked and you'd be content enough not to argue anymore.
Well, I have let it out already. Special things in this country is left to history. The only thing left is frustration and a sigh. Yap a sigh and nothing more.
PS. The departure hall of Imam Khomeini Airport was nice. That was a relief.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Monday, October 22, 2007
Humans have no wings!
Sure it's nice to be an angel. Always be kind, always do the right things, never feel jealous, never lie or become angry or always have that innocent angelic face that makes everyone think the only thing you don't have to be an angel is a pair of wings.
But the truth is that humans can never fly that high. It's earth that we belong, and being on earth means having all those things that we believe makes a monster out of us.
It's easy to say that humans have to wipe themselves out of their sins and try to make themselves like saints and angels, but again it's just easy to say. Humans are humans, and they have no wings.
But if you ask me, I'd say humans need not be changed, they need to be understood. They need to be talked to and they need to be healed. Get to talk to an angry human, and you may see how he/she is right, or let a jealous one open up and you'll understand how insecure he/she has been.
They say human should go after a pair of wings, but I'll say all we need is listening and understanding. Humans are humans, they are born without wings.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
The curse of the the golden flower!
Yeah this is a true story. A few days ago I received some flowers from Yaser and Reza and since I didn't have any vase I just put them in our drinking bottle.
I never have been lazy in taking care of my plants but this time I didn't change the water, and since the bottle was dark I couldn't see what was going on in there either.
After some days when the flowers were completely dry I decided to take them out. I threw out the flowers and put the bottle in the kitchen. Just imagine how disgusting they smelt!
A few hours later I felt thirsty and so I came to drink some water. Fortunately the water was near hand so I took some. I felt the water is tasting strange, so I took some more to see where the taste comes from. Still I didn't find out so I drank some more... And suddenly I remembered this was the water that held the flowers for some days. I couldn't decide on what comes next, I ran to the bathroom...
Yeah, I guess the flowers were having a hard time drinking that water all those days.
I never have been lazy in taking care of my plants but this time I didn't change the water, and since the bottle was dark I couldn't see what was going on in there either.
After some days when the flowers were completely dry I decided to take them out. I threw out the flowers and put the bottle in the kitchen. Just imagine how disgusting they smelt!
A few hours later I felt thirsty and so I came to drink some water. Fortunately the water was near hand so I took some. I felt the water is tasting strange, so I took some more to see where the taste comes from. Still I didn't find out so I drank some more... And suddenly I remembered this was the water that held the flowers for some days. I couldn't decide on what comes next, I ran to the bathroom...
Yeah, I guess the flowers were having a hard time drinking that water all those days.
Long time since I have written something. My thesis is over and I'm dying having nothing to do. believe me!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
I haven't written for almost one month now, because I was busy eating my own tail!!! Everyone has seen a snake doing that, right?! What happens at last? You come to your head, maybe you regret what you have done or maybe you're even more stupid and swallow your head too, it happens, you know!!! :P
Ok, I'll explain. I have to present my thesis in less than one month. And I'm sooooooo worrieeeed I can't study a line. You see I 'm chewing my brain now, I'm finished!!! No more head, bye bye.
One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are.-Gail Godwin
Ok, I'll explain. I have to present my thesis in less than one month. And I'm sooooooo worrieeeed I can't study a line. You see I 'm chewing my brain now, I'm finished!!! No more head, bye bye.
Ok. I'm starting a charity now. Please wish me luck if you want me to survive. Oh no, there was something in my brain, I just hurt my teeth!!!!
One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are.-Gail Godwin
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
What's FAMILY?
But from time to time I find that they have discovered the essence that produces real families, in contrast with ours that is often culture, male priorities and religion.
Today I was watching one TV program on Discovery. The show belonged to a cooking expert who helped the families that had trouble having food together.
The mother of the family was busy with her 3 children, cooking and driving them to school, while her husband had a job away 75% of the time. She was asking for help.
The expert helped them with a monthly cooking plan, which everyone even the dad was involved; thus made cooking a teamwork and took out the whole burden from mom.
The interesting part was that, the expert said because dad is away most of the time, and this takes away family closeness, the father should cook the day he arrives for the time he is absent, so that the family could feel his presence.
It's so interesting. It is a fact that food is a very important matter in every family. You eliminate home cooking and you take away chances of a healthy family. But there should be family not a cook and a group of eaters.
"After all, it's not all about food, it's about family!"
I saw them flying in the sky today,
all the trees and all the birds, and I was hurried painting them before they were away...
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Eat not your bro's flesh! There's always sheep!
In my native religion, Islam, talking behind someone's back is considered as eating your own brother's flesh. It's described this way so that everyone can see how gross this act is.
Still, this is the outer perspective of the act and just shows how talking bad about someone effects his/her reputation and the way people judge him/ her personally.
But what about the inner side? I've watched myself every time I talked behind someone's back carefully; I found out that I feel my heart is weaker and darker every time; and no matter how true what I say is, or how it does not effect him/ her, it's just that I feel some good part of me, some good energy inside, is gone; In fact I feel empty.
You see it effects me, it acts as a thief and takes away the best of me. I guess, I should take hold of my property tight, and just try to eat that animal flesh, ya!
The basic principle in human groups, is that everyone is of the same value. There should be no definition for value except being human and being alive. Nothing in the name of race, religion, beliefs, job, looks, skill, age and position, should give anyone a betterment over another. I know some people just hate being equal-cause they have made themselves believe that some are better- but there's one essence in all, and that is being human, and no one is there that is more human than another.
When I go and buy plants, I don't say I'll buy this one because it is better than the other. I know that every plant is different in its own way, and there's no point in comparing plants, is it? We choose them based on our priorities. (What level of care, weather, humidity, indoor or outdoor...)
There's been no fight ever on which plant is better. We all know that they are just different and incomparable. It's just the same with human beings. We are all different. And that makes us be able to live with each other.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Meaning, they made the pyramid that corresponded to the brighter star, bigger. These pyramids drive me insane. I wish I get to see them very soon.
گيلگمش، به كجا مي روي؟
حياتي را كه جستجو مي كني نخواهي يافت
زيرا هنگامي كه خدايان انسان را آفريدند
مرگ را به انسان اختصاص دادند
و زندگي را در كف خود گرفتند
حياتي را كه جستجو مي كني نخواهي يافت
زيرا هنگامي كه خدايان انسان را آفريدند
مرگ را به انسان اختصاص دادند
و زندگي را در كف خود گرفتند
تو، اي گيلگمش،بگذار شكمت سير باشد
شب و روز شادمانه باش
هر روز را روز سرخوشي ات كن
شب و روز را به پايكوبي و بازي بگذران
بگذار جامه ات پاكيزه باشد
سرت را بشويند، تنت را در آب شستشو دهند
كودكي را كه دستت را مي گيرد عزيز دار
و بگذار همسرت درآغوشت شادماني كند
اين است سرنوشت بشر
بگذار جامه ات پاكيزه باشد
سرت را بشويند، تنت را در آب شستشو دهند
كودكي را كه دستت را مي گيرد عزيز دار
و بگذار همسرت درآغوشت شادماني كند
اين است سرنوشت بشر
Right now I can't think of anything but a persian version of Gilgamesh, the first epic written by humans. I can't even think of the English version when Shamlu has already translated it...
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