Sunday, April 15, 2007

What's life?

I read somewhere in the zen's tarot cards that the perfect attitude in life is of the fool's. A fool doesn't have any preconditions or any conclusions in mind. He just lives and since he knows nothing about outcomes he's got no worries.
The tarot was a mystical one. It was saying that we should live like a fool. Clearing our mind every once and just experiencing the life as it is, pure of any judgements or expectation.
It is very hard though. A fool is a fool, but if someone ordinary can become like that, he should be real wise and real brave I believe. Brave to face life and wise to know that by worrying no one can escape the ups and downs of life.
Maybe that's what it is: Life, and what should we do? LIVE those ups and DOWNS!


Singing has always seemed to me the most perfect means of expression. It is so spontaneous. And after singing, I think the violin. Since I cannot sing, I paint.-Georgia O'Keeffe
A few days ago I got a great gift from a very special person. I'm so glad she rememberd me. Last time I saw her we talked about philosophy and she told me she'll buy me some books to start. The books are great. I felt lucky to have these gifts from her. :)
Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
Dalai Lama


Anonymous said...

yes..ur and downs make our life.we shuold brave and dont forget God ..all the time.
and i know u can.

Unknown said...

Atti jun.... I can taste your feeling while getting those books. I always prefer giving these cultural gifts rather than a statue or a purse or... but you know, the amount of people who understand the value of them are so rare!!!