It's like the different tastes, different colors, different faces, different musical instruments... They all have to exist together to give a total experience.
Culture, should not exist because our is the best, or we shouldn't give it up for modernity; it should remain because that's what makes our world more interesting and way more beautiful.
And it gives so much energy to explore your own cultural roots, and learn from others too...
Capoeira is an African-Brazilian fight-dance and martial art created by enslaved Africans during the 16th Century. Participants form a roda (circle) and take turns playing instruments, singing, and sparring in pairs in the centre of the circle. The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, subterfuge, and extensive use of groundwork, as well as sweeps, kicks, and headbutts.
It's interesting to see the mixture of martial art with dance...
I said put those cloths in da freezer right now!
Yes, in the fridge, and no I'm not stupid! :P It's like this: You want a good iron (and you know best ironing happens when clothes are wet) , and you don't have time for ironing right after washing the clothes, what do you do? Righttt, put them in a plastic bag in the freezer. And you take them out when you got time...
Now, this sounds stupid; but it's not my fault. I read it in a website. CLEAN QWEENS' website! ;)
The ironing Idea was really cute :D Poor Yaser, I can imagine his face while he is opening the refrigerator door and looking at his shirt instead of ice cream :))))))) very cute.
salam zizakam.
bebakhsh ke ye kam kam peyda boodam.
atyeye man khoobi.
are vaghty dashtam un matlabo az osho mikhoondam ye dafe shere sohrab too zehnam tadaee shod.
akhe in rooza ye kam dochare yase falsafi shode boodam nesbate be dalile zendegi kardan.
hala iman daram ke yek raze va hak nashodani.
azizam in posteto hanooz nakhoondam alan bayad zood beram .
miyamo mikhoonam.
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