I finished it today; the Witch of Portobello, the new book by Paulo Coelho.
I couldn't really decide if I could love this book until the last two chapters. Many of my long-made beliefs were shaken and it made me so uncomfortable at times, I couldn't comment on the book. But when I read the last chapters, I thought just like always, Paulo does it. Makes you move out of your so called peace and discover what's out of your comfort zone. Now I'd like to say, I loved the book; apart from the story, the way of narrating it by different people.
Changes in the arts differs from the change in science in one significant way. Whereas new technology usually displaces the old, and new scientific theory explodes the old, new art does not invalidate earlier human expression.
Obviously, not all artistic styles survive, but Picasso can not do to Rembrandt what the theories of Einstein did to those of Newton.
--The Creative Impulse, Dennis J. Sporre
Went to theatre this week after a long time. Loved the show, except that it was shortened a bit, I do not know for what reason.
Any way, theatre is alive, and that's what I love so much about it. :)
azizam salam.
khoobi atyie man??
in ketabesh fekr konam hanooz iran nayumade .ya umade o man nemidoonam.akhe age bashe mano maryam ba khabr mishim.
hamishe ye chizize moshtarak too ketabaye paolo hast be tarze ajibiii.
yeki az nokthaii ke dare too hameye ketabash ine ke zendegi ro az zavayaye mokhtalef delchasb mikone.
va ye seri razhaee ro az toosh mikeshe biroon va be namayesh mizare.
mishe dar moredesh kheyli bahs karr.
rasty teatr kheyli doost daram.ishala hamishe beri.teatraye malezi bayad jaleb bashe.
montazeretam azizam tabestoon az deltangi daremoon biariiiiiiiii.boosssssss.
salam khanumi.ketabe in dastan ro ye bar ye entesharate mashadi chap kard ama bad az 3 ruz tamame noskhehasho az tuye bazar jam kardan,ye siti ham bud ke vakhsh bakhsh har hafte tarjome shodasho mizasht ke unam felan motevaghef shode. man az tuye un site ta vasataye ketabo khundam,ta un jai ke dokhtare az shahre khodeshun raft. rasty akharesh chi mishe?
Salam Somi joon, to ketabe eleven minutes ro nemigi?
Bad az in ke az shahre khodeshoon mire majboor mishe be onvane faheshe kar kone, :O vali bad asheghe ye naghash mishe va ba oon ezdevaj mikone va barmigare sharhe khodeshoon dobare :)
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