Friday, February 02, 2007


I'm so full of life, how can death take that away from me?
Sunrise and sunset is one for the sun,
So why do we cry over sunset?
When we all know it's not going down, it's just going somewhere we cannot see...
Hand in hand with you,
Take me to where I'm no more,
and you are all that is...
Where should religion take us? How far and in what direction? Should we ever stop somewhere? Is there any limit to believing? What is religion all about?
I just wanna be right and free, that's all...

The Bible says God was angry when man tried to reach heaven by building a tower (later named Babel); he stopped the work by devising different languages that made understanding impossible. Babel came to mean noise and miscommunication.

In the year's richest, most complex and ultimately most heartbreaking film, Inarritu invites us to get past the babble of modern civilization and start listening to each other.

Babel was great. GREAT!!!! Great!!!!!


Anonymous said...

yes it was great. good luck hi

Anonymous said...

u are full of life & im full of happyness for it.
i will be calm when i think my friends have favorite life.
and u are one of my best friends.

Anonymous said...

salam !!!! belakhare man tunestam comment bezanam behet ! mikhastam begam delam barat kheili tang shode 2khtar khaleye ba gheiratam !tunesti ye sar be ma bezan ... kheili delam barat tang shode ... 5 shanbe filter azmayeshi darim ... 2a kon vasam ... filter ghabli ro rotbe 43 shodam in dafe mikham zire 30 besham ... vasam 2a mikoni ? mersi ! ;)

Anonymous said...

salam azizakam....chera be rooz nemikoni atie man?
ta abadiat montazere atere do ta sher