In my native religion, Islam, talking behind someone's back is considered as eating your own brother's flesh. It's described this way so that everyone can see how gross this act is.
Still, this is the outer perspective of the act and just shows how talking bad about someone effects his/her reputation and the way people judge him/ her personally.
But what about the inner side? I've watched myself every time I talked behind someone's back carefully; I found out that I feel my heart is weaker and darker every time; and no matter how true what I say is, or how it does not effect him/ her, it's just that I feel some good part of me, some good energy inside, is gone; In fact I feel empty.
You see it effects me, it acts as a thief and takes away the best of me. I guess, I should take hold of my property tight, and just try to eat that animal flesh, ya!
The basic principle in human groups, is that everyone is of the same value. There should be no definition for value except being human and being alive. Nothing in the name of race, religion, beliefs, job, looks, skill, age and position, should give anyone a betterment over another. I know some people just hate being equal-cause they have made themselves believe that some are better- but there's one essence in all, and that is being human, and no one is there that is more human than another.
When I go and buy plants, I don't say I'll buy this one because it is better than the other. I know that every plant is different in its own way, and there's no point in comparing plants, is it? We choose them based on our priorities. (What level of care, weather, humidity, indoor or outdoor...)
There's been no fight ever on which plant is better. We all know that they are just different and incomparable. It's just the same with human beings. We are all different. And that makes us be able to live with each other.
gilamesh cheghadr ghashang bood.
vagghean haghighaty bood
rasty kheyli khoshahlam ke mikhay donya ro ba tamame voojood dar aghoosh begiriiii
hameye sheraye man arzoonie to:)
sheraye shamloo ram kheyli doost daram.
نگاه كن چه فرو تنانه بر خاك مي گسترد
آنكه نهال نازك دستانش
از عشق
و پيش عصيانش
بالاي جهنم
پست است.
آن كو به يكي « آري » مي ميرد
نه به زخم صد خنجر،
مگر آنكه از تب وهن
دق كند.
قلعه يي عظيم
كه طلسم دروازه اش
كلام كوچك دوستي است.
انكار ِ عشق را
چنين كه بر سر سختي پا سفت كرده اي
دشنه مگر
به آستين اندر
نهان كرده باشي.-
كه عاشق
اعتراف را چنان به فرياد آمد
كه وجودش همه
بانگي شد.
نگاه كن
چه فرو تنانه بر در گاه نجابت
به خاك مي شكند
رخساره اي كه توفانش
مسخ نيارست كرد.
چه فروتنانه بر آستانه تو به خاك مي افتد
آنكه در كمر گاه دريا
حلقه توانست كرد.
نگاه كن
چه بزرگوارانه در پاي تو سر نهاد
آنكه مرگش
ميلاد پر هيا هوي هزار شهرزاده بود.
نگاه كن!
.ميلاد آنكه عاشقانه بر خاك مرد
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